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Title: "The Sound of Generosity: A Stewardship Sermon"


Good morning, dear congregation! Today, we're going to explore the concept of stewardship and generosity, but we're going to do it with a twist. We're going to compare it to the classic song "The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel. Yes, you heard me right, we're adding a touch of humor to a profound message.

Let's start with a verse from the Bible that sets the stage for our discussion today. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV), the Apostle Paul says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

**Verse 1: Silence and Stewardship**

Now, you might be wondering how "The Sound of Silence" relates to stewardship. Well, think about silence for a moment. Silence can be deafening, can't it? When we remain silent about our blessings and resources, we miss out on the beauty of stewardship. In stewardship, silence is not golden; it's a missed opportunity.

**Chorus 1: "Hello Generosity, My Old Friend"**

In the song, we hear "Hello darkness, my old friend." But in our sermon, we say, "Hello generosity, my old friend." When we embrace generosity, it becomes a dear companion in our lives, shining a light into the darkness of need and despair.

**Verse 2: People Bowing, Heads They're Bowing**

In the song, "People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening," sounds a lot like people attending church without fully grasping the message of stewardship. We need to listen with open hearts, not just hear with our ears.

**Chorus 2: "Generosity, My Salvation"**

In the song, the line goes, "Silence like a cancer grows." But in our sermon, we say, "Generosity, my salvation grows." Stewardship and generosity can heal the wounds of the world, just like faith and love can.

**Verse 3: Generosity and Overflowing Streams**

The song mentions "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls." In our context, let's think of generosity as the message written on our hearts, flowing like an overflowing stream to bless others.

**Chorus 3: "Generosity, the Light of Christ"**

In the song, it talks about "people writing songs that voices never share." But in our message today, we're sharing the song of generosity, the light of Christ that should shine through us.


My dear brothers and sisters, as we leave here today, let us remember that silence in the face of need is not an option for us. Instead, let us embrace the joyful sound of generosity, for "God loves a cheerful giver." Let us be like the voices in the song, sharing the message of stewardship and love with the world.

So, go out there and let your generosity be a symphony of love, breaking the silence, and making a beautiful difference in the lives of others.
